Save up to 30% with subscriptions

A subscription to Eden's is the best way to save money - and nourish your gut!

Monthly subscription

With our monthly subscription you can save 18%. You'll pay $75 each month and we'll ship a bag to your door every month. Cancel or pause anytime, there's no commitment

3-month subscription

By opting for a 3-month subscription, you'll save 25%. Every 3 months, you'll pay $198 (equaling $66 per bag), and we'll ship you a bag of Eden's every month. By selecting our 3-month subscription plan, you are committing to purchasing 3 months of Eden's upfront.

6-month subscription

Our 6-month subscription saves you the most, with 30% savings. Every 6-months, you'll pay $372 (equaling just $62 a bag!), and we'll ship a bag of Eden's to your door every month. By selecting the 6-month subscription plan, you are committing to purchase 6-months worth of Eden's upfront